Code & Displine Policy

Leave of Absence

  1. No student shall be granted any leave without prior permission through a written application from his/ her parents / guardian except in emergency situation or sickness.

  2. If a student remains absent from school, without any intimation to school consciously for more than 15 days, his/ her name will be struck off the rolls.

  3. Student suffering from any infectious diseases must complete the quarantine / rest period prescribed by the Dr. Before re – joining the school. Parents must submit the medical certificate of fitness.

  4. No student in the school will be allowed to leave the school during school hours. Only in exceptional cases Principal may at her / his discretion allow. Parents to take their wards from the school. While filling the prescribed format.

  5. Every student must be present on the reopening day in new session/after vacation. If students remain absent for continuous 5 days without any information then his/her name will be struck off.

  6. A minimum attendance of 75% of total working days is required for the examination and promotion to the next class.

  7. Use of mobile of mobile phone in school is prohibited.


  1. Late comers will not be allowed to enter the school premises. The School gate will be closed 5 minutes before the School starts.

  2. It is compulsory for all the students to attend school assembly. If one is medically unfit he/she has to take permission from the class teacher to sit in the class

  3. No student at any time (even during PTMs) shall enter the school campus without proper school uniform.

  4. Students at all times should show respect, courtesy and be polite in their daily interaction with teachers, School staff and fellow students.

  5. Abusive language, rudeness or violence of any kind on the part of any student within school premises shall not be tolerated and may lead to strict punishment.

  6. Immorality, misbehavior, grave insubordination, discourtesy or disrespect and contempt of authority, violence of any kind or willful damage to property are punishable actions and sufficient reason for dismissal. Damage of any kind will be penalized.

Parental Co – operation

  1. Guardians are requested to check the diaries of their child regularly.

  2. Parents are expected to participate regularly in school meeting or functions especially when they are invited.

  3. Our school teachers do not give private tuition. Therefore, do not approach them to teach your wards privately.

  4. Parents / Guardians / Visitors are not allowed to enter the class and meet the students and interview their teachers during school hours. In case of an urgent need for meeting, the students or teachers, the Principal is to be approached.

    1. Parents are requested to send their ward in school time.

    2. The child must come in neat, clean and full uniform. Simplicity is the trademark of GENIUS.

    3. No ornaments are permitted except small ear rings for girls.

    4. Use of mobile of mobile phone in school is prohibited.

    5. Wrist watch is restricted upto class V students.

  5. Please ensure and encourage your child to take part in all the activities of the school.

  6. P.T.M.